Composer & Publisher of music for Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble, Marching Band, Chamber Ensembles, Solos, & Electronics.
Watch the full-length 2024 Drew Morris Music Coffee Commercial!
A commercial 5 years in the making.
Get comfortable and enjoy some coffee with me!
All PDF purchases are now “automatic downloads”!
Instead of having to wait for me to email you the files, you’ll receive an email with a download code immediately after purchase.
Just make sure when you’re adding music to your cart that you’re adding the “PDF Download” version instead of the print version!
I would love to write original music for you!
I love doing commissions of all shapes and sizes.
Contact me so we can start making a plan to give your ensemble (or yourself) a World Premiere Opportunity!
Composing 31 Pieces of Music in 31 Days
Over the course of March 2022, I’ve challenged myself to write 31 pieces of new music. I’ve been documenting my progress on YouTube along the way.
If you’d like to see how I work, I’d love for you to check it out!
Composing 31 Pieces of Music in 31 Days YouTube Playlist
A random day in my life…
If you’re curious what a day looks like for me when I’m trying to get some music written, I made a video showcasing just that. This day didn’t end up being the most productive day I’ve ever had, but I feel like it is a pretty accurate portrayal of what a day in the life of a freelance composer actually looks like.
I can’t believe this silly little video has gotten over 10,000 views!
A few additional links
I compose music for concert band, percussion ensemble, marching bands, various chamber ensembles, and electronics. I self published my sheet music through my publishing company, “Yellow Envelope Publications”. You can find that music for perusal and sale in my Online Store. Many of the pieces started as commissions. If you would be interested in commissioning an original piece for your ensemble, please reach out!