Groove Juice - Grade 3 - Percussion Ensemble for 10 Players - PDF Download


Grade 3 - Percussion Ensemble for 10 Performers

Groove Juice provides an opportunity for an introduction to 4-mallet technique on Marimba.

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I don’t remember where the idea for Groove Juice came from. It was one of the first pieces I wrote after deciding to write music full time. It feels like that was ages ago, when in fact it was about a year and a half ago. I wanted to introduce 4-mallet technique in an accessible fashion, but also provide moments that would make the performers feel like they were really grooving. The title came about because I just said “groove” and then the first thing that popped in my head was “juice”. Maybe I was thirsty at the time, I don’t remember. Later I discovered Groove Juice was the name of a cymbal cleaner. My piece has no relation this particular brand of cymbal cleaner, but maybe I should contact them!