The Veil Between - Grade 2.5 - Concert Band - PDF Download


Grade 2.5 - Concert Band

The Veil Between was originally written for a small percussion section but later expanded for a larger section. So it will work with as few as 4 or 5 percussionists or as many as 10 or more.

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Chris Moore and Ashley Baty, directors at George Junior High in Springdale, Arkansas, commissioned me to write a piece for their band. When I finished the piece and delivered it to them it was still untitled. We thought letting the students hear it and submit ideas might be fun. After listening the consensus was that it had a definite dark/creepy sound. Somehow I had never heard it that way until they shared their thoughts, but after hearing it I completely agreed. Ashley Baty suggested “The Veil Between” as the title and I loved how well it fit. The Veil Between what? Good and Evil? Life and Death? Other dimensions? You can decide for yourself!